Posts By: Karen Jones

Switch to ecards -DontSendMeACard

Switch to ecards, help our charity, and save the planet. We’ve teamed up with DontSendMeACard where you can support our charity by giving what it would have cost to send cards. You can then send friends and family ecards instead! Check out our website for more information and just click on the link, it’s that… Read more »

MS Hope Programme – starts 25th September 2024 – Places available to book now!

Hope For The Community CIC are running a group self-management programme for people living with MS to improve their wellbeing. The Programme was co-created with people living with MS, healthcare professionals and researchers at Coventry University to make sure it is rooted in science. What will the programme involve?  You will be asked to enrol on a 6 week online Hope… Read more »

Thank you to Autism Oxford

Thank you to Autism Oxford for donating a laptop to the Centre.  Autism Oxford UK is a blended team who use their lived, clinical, and educational experience to meet the needs of our neurodivergent community.  They are based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, but support individuals and services across the country.  Feel free to check out their… Read more »


We had a recent collection at Millets Farm.  Thank you to Jackie Wray, John and Angela Day, Richard Twine and Dave Webb.  Unfortunately, the location was not successful in attracting people, so we only raised £109 (we have no control over location).  A massive thanks to those above who did 2hr stints! We have another… Read more »


The AGM was arranged for 13th June. Thank you to the seven people that attended, but unfortunately it was not enough for a quorum. The meeting has therefore been reconvened for Thursday 25th July at 3pm. This will be on Zoom. The login details are: Meeting ID: 718 389 8662 Password: OMSTC If you would like papers… Read more »

Volunteers needed

We need volunteers to collect small change at Tesco Extra in Abingdon on Saturday 17th August, 1.5hr time slots.  It’s always very successful so your help would be much appreciated.

Donation from Wantage in Harmony Choir

Wantage in Harmony put on a concert recently, and have donated the proceeds to the Centre. It raised an amazing £2,520. We intend to use it to have the outside of the Centre repainted. Many thanks to Wantage in Harmony.